Microbial Isolation, Characterisation and Identification

The process of screening a pure culture by separating one style of microbes from a mix is termed Isolation. Microorganisms are usually found in nature (air, soil and water) as mixed populations. Even the pathologic components of plants and animals contain a good range of microorganisms that disagree markedly from the microorganisms of alternative environments to review the particular role vie by a particular organism in its setting; one should isolate an equivalent in pure culture. Common ways of isolation of pure culture i. isolation by streak plate technique ii. Small manipulator technique iii.enrichment culture technique iv .serial dilution technique isolation ways.

  • Nutrition: Growth and control of bacteria
  • Bacterial taxonomy and phylogeny
  • Microbial metabolism and genetics
  • Protein Synthesis and transational control
  • Bacterial biochemical physiology
  • Novel strains and approaches
  • Microbial adhesion and signal transduction
  • Metabolism and metabolic engineering

Related Conference of Microbial Isolation, Characterisation and Identification

March 17-18, 2025

54th World Congress on Microbiology

Berlin, Germany
July 28-29, 2025

17th International Virology Summit

Berlin, Germany
August 25-26, 2025

6th International Conference on Molecular Microbiology

Singapore City, Singapore
September 22-23, 2025

13th World Congress and Expo on Applied Microbiology

Dubai, UAE

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