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Lavanya Madhavaraj

Lavanya Madhavaraj

Chonbuk National University , Korea


Dr. Lavanya currently work as a Post-doctoral researcher in Technical Industrialization Team, Centre for Industrialization of Agriculture and Livestock Microorganisms, handling projects in the environmental field, services for our customers for culturing microorganism and production of enzymes in bulk quantity. Previously, she has completed her PhD from Department of Environmental Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju, Rep of Korea. She had good hands-on experience in isolation, characterization of new aerobic and anaerobic microbes from human and environmental samples and also my research was based on biofuel production, bioremediation and biodegradation utilizing aerobic or anaerobic microbes. 



Abstract : Influence of Microbial Consortium as a Biological Control Agent on Swine Waste Odour Reduction