Armelle Phalipon
Group leader in the Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit
Institut Pasteur
Armelle Phalipon is group leader in the Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. With about 25 years of experience working on Shigella, she has deciphered the targets and effectors of the humoral response to infection, discovered two novel molecular mechanisms of secretory IgA-mediated protection at mucosal surfaces, and highlighted the Shigella-mediated targeting mechanisms, and their functional consequences, on human B and T lymphocytes. In addition, in collaboration with Dr. Laurence Mulard (Institut Pasteur), she has developed a Shigella subunit vaccine candidate which is presented here. Armelle Phalipon has co-created the International Vaccinology Course launched at the Pasteur Institute in 2008, and is Co-Director since then. Dr. Phalipon was also a member of the WHO Steering Committee for Diarrheoal Diseases (2007-2009).
Research Interest